Recent content by vaspasianus

  1. V

    Sources for Aircraft Data

    Thanks guys, I'll soldier on.
  2. V

    Sources for Aircraft Data

    Anyone have recommendations for a good source of detailed information on WWII aircraft? Either electronic or print media. I guess that's a rather broad question, so let me explain. Some of you may have read my post about the apparently defunct database, and I wanted to move my continued...
  3. V

    Database access

    Thanks for all the replies, and sorry for my absence. I had hopes of finding what I needed here. I have been to many sites with nice collections of common facts and figures on WWII aircraft, but one piece is missing from them all. I find scant information on fuel economy or combat radius...
  4. V

    Database access

    Yes, that is the one. No matter what I enter in that form, I get the same blank form back. No data, just the form.
  5. V

    Database access

    Well, I'm not sure. I see the link that takes me to the Picture Album, and that works. What I was refering to was the link on the home page for an Aircraft Database. I'm looking for technical specifications, not pictures, but they are nice.
  6. V

    Database access

    I'm new here and having problems accessing the aircraft database. Any hints? No matter what I try, all I get is the same entry form back. I figure I'm missing something obvious.