z42's latest activity

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    z42 reacted to EwenS's post in the thread Hybrid aircraft carriers with
    With regard to the Aug 1925 meeting, Michele Consetino wrote this in an article in Warship 2015 titled "The Bonfiglietti Project: An...
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    z42 replied to the thread Hybrid aircraft carriers.
    Interesting writeup on the various plans for carriers for the Italian navy during the interwar years and WWII, including some hybrid...
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    z42 reacted to Howard Gibson's post in the thread Small Aircraft Carriers with
    Atmospheric pressure is 14.7psi at sea level, 6.67psi at 20,000ft, 5.46psi at 25,000ft, and 4.37psi at 30,000ft. On a Merlin Mustang or...
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    z42 replied to the thread Alternative German tanks & AFVs.
    I'm sure anyone who has done some form of military service can recognize that in military life there's a lot of "hurry up to wait", and...
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    z42 reacted to tomo pauk's post in the thread Small Aircraft Carriers with
    A lot of times, Germans made a bad choice, not just wrt. their engine program and what engine goes into what airframe. For example, as...
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    z42 reacted to tomo pauk's post in the thread Small Aircraft Carriers with
    There were also the ways to improve the BMW 801 installation on the Fw 190. Going with the external air intakes was tested already by...
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    z42 reacted to Reluctant Poster's post in the thread Alternative German tanks & AFVs with
    Not true. Tanks are not constantly on the move. In fact they spend a lot of time idling waiting for the enemy to show up. There is also...
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    z42 reacted to SaparotRob's post in the thread Hybrid aircraft carriers with
    I doubt you and I are the only people who look at an LHD and think carrier.
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    z42 reacted to ThomasP's post in the thread Hybrid aircraft carriers with
    One aspect that I think should be emphasized re this topic is that the design can be from the keel up - ie we do not need to think in...
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    z42 replied to the thread Hybrid aircraft carriers.
    My understanding is that WWII era carriers tended to have a lot of the armor weight in the flight or hangar decks, with relatively weak...
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    z42 replied to the thread Hybrid aircraft carriers.
    Fair enough. I was thinking in of an LHD being a sort-of hybrid carrier in terms of having both a big flight deck as well as the docking...
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    z42 replied to the thread Hybrid aircraft carriers.
    Italy and France had navies big enough that they could have built carriers (France did, and Italy tried although too little too late) at...
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    z42 reacted to Frog's post in the thread Spitfire vs. Dora mass battle with
    Biggles shots 3, Ginger, Lacey and Bertie 1 each.
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    z42 reacted to Admiral Beez's post in the thread Hybrid aircraft carriers with
    Have Glorious’ five operational Swordfish on deck, torpedo-armed and fueled, with their crews and engines on five minute readiness...
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    z42 reacted to EwenS's post in the thread Hybrid aircraft carriers with
    Reading through some of the stuff posted above mixing MAC ships with anything up to battlecruiser conversions, and the emphasis on the...