Recent content by ZbynaP

  1. Z

    VF-3 F4F-4s, Midway Escort Mission

    Thank You very much again. Ens. Sheedy has unhappy incident during landing on Hornet. It really looks like that Your Father and Crommellin are sitting in the same F4F. There is the nice VF-88 "home movie" on youtube. There is an interesting F4F on Hornet´s, deck: VF-8 (no Felix) + White...
  2. Z

    VF-3 F4F-4s, Midway Escort Mission

    Thank You very much. #6 - maybe Crommelin too?
  3. Z

    VF-3 F4F-4s, Midway Escort Mission

    Good Day Gentlemen Could you help me please to identify VF-3 pilots in the Ford´s Midway 1942 movie? 1,8 Bain 2,9 Thach 3,4,9,10 Brassfield 7 Haas 5 ??? 6 ???