
  1. Two rare warbirds in one little museum in Japan

    I just received this in a mail from another forum today Japan Stripes The text is very informative and well worth the time to read. If the Google translate link in the middle of the article does not work for you (I gave it 10 minutes then gave up) the link at the bottom to the museum site is...
  2. S

    1939: Polikarpov I-153 v.s. Mitsubishi A5M4 "Claude"

    We know that the I-153 was introduced by 1939, in time for the Khalkhin Gol border disputes in Mongolia. It was up against the Ki-27 "Nate," a fixed gear IJAAF fighter which dominated the original I-15 bis and early I-16's. From the limited info I've come across it appears the I-153 did fairly...
  3. C

    How Many Zeros?

    I've been trying to figure out how many A6M Zero fighters Japan actually deployed in December 1941. The Wikipedia page for the Imperial Japanese Navy Air Service says that in 1941 (no month specified) the Japanese Navy had 660 fighters of which 350 were zeros. Some of the 350 likely never made...