
  1. ColesAircraft

    Japanese A6M3 Mod. 32 Zero: Colors, Parts Art

    Haven't posted here in a while - but this is a great story: I've been working with Legend Flyers (builders of the airworthy Me 262s) lately. They commissioned me to paint the two-seat Me 262 'Vera', which I did, and they sent me her original starboard outboard engine nacelle cover - which...
  2. mrf17

    1/48 Hasegawa A6M3 Model 22 "Zero Fighter"

    It has been quite some time since I’ve posted a finished build, but I finally got this one off the bench. I hope everyone enjoys it… it was an extremely difficult finish, but I think I captured the essence of Nishizawa’s aircraft. I urge everyone to visit my webpage for a very detailed WIP...