
  1. ArmouredSprue

    RAAF Bristol Beaufort (Special Hobby + scratch built 1/72)

    R.A.A.F. BRISTOL BEAUFORT MK VIII No. 6 Squadron, Goodenough Island, circa 1943/44 Flight Lieutenant William "Bill" McRae Wood, DFC (Special Hobby 1/72) Hi all! I usually don't build models under commission, but in this case it was a especial request and a favor to a fellow member of my...
  2. ArmouredSprue

    Grumman F6F-5 HELLCAT - French Naval Air Fleet (Heller 1/72)

    GRUMMAN F6F-5 HELLCAT Heller 1/72 Hi all I had this very old Heller kit sitting in my stash for over 30 years. Due it's age it was not engraved panel lines, so I decided to use it as a practice for my first ever try to engrave panel lines in a kit. It was not perfect but I've learned a lot. I...
  3. ArmouredSprue

    P-40C 33rd Pursuit Squadron, U.S.A. 1941 (ACADEMY 1/72)

    P-40C 33RD PURSUIT SQUADRON USA, 1941 Model improved with full scratch built interior, add new wheels from my spare parts box. Added new machine guns and new pitot from syringe needles. Painted mostly using Tamiya and Gunze aqueous Hobby Colours acrylics. Camouflage: Undersurfaces Grey FS...