
  1. gjs238

    Two engine R-3350 powered bomber

    What would it be capable of? Would it/could it have the performance to replace B-17's and B-24's or just a significant improvement over other two-engine types?
  2. Snautzer01

    Boeing B-17 Flying Fortress Histories:

    B-17F-90-BO 'Slo-Jo', 42-30168 ( 30168 (385th BG, 550th BS, 'Slo-Jo') shot down by Fw. Walter Kohne in Fw 190A-6 of JG 1/2 and exploded over North Sea N of Lengeoog, Germany Dec 11, 1943. MACR 1666. 7 KIA, 3 POW ) On 11th of December 1943, 538 heavy bombers of the U.S...