
  1. Baball

    C.A.C. Boomerang Manual

    Operating Instructions for the CAC "Boomerang" aircraft. Why would I pay ten to fifteen bucks when I can get it for free! :laughing6:
  2. derekbu

    CAC Wiraway and Boomerang information

    Hi all, while I've been doing research for my drawings of the Wirraway and Boomerang, I've collected a bunch of interesting information (well, I think its interesting, anyway). I've decided to load some of it to my website, so others can enjoy (?!?) this esoteric technical stuff... Click...
  3. RAAF Hellcat, Boomerang colors

    Fictional paint scheme of a Hellcat in RAAF Boomerang colors. Skin created for Warbirds III, a game by IEN. More images of this Hellcat here:
  4. RAAF Hellcat, Boomerang colors

    Fictional paint scheme of a Hellcat in RAAF Boomerang colors. Skin created for Warbirds III, a game by IEN. More images of this Hellcat here:
  5. RAAF Hellcat, Boomerang colors

    Fictional paint scheme of a Hellcat in RAAF Boomerang colors. Skin created for Warbirds III, a game by IEN. More images of this Hellcat here: