
  1. M

    1970s UH-60A Early Blackhawk free manuals: AFM, AMM of every system including engines, SRM(in AMM), WDM(in AMM), IPC

    Sikorsky UH-60A has been sold and being produced worldwide, including former Warsaw Pact countries and China(PRC), and it is also almost 50 years old now, whose tech has being out of date. Furthermore, the government tech documents of UH-60A has being out of secret-keeping period as time goes...
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    Imperial War Museum Gun Camera Films Collection

    The IWM has for quite some time been cataloguing the gun camera clips in its possession. The last time I trawled through all the listings to compile a file was in 2010 - I've just finished re-doing the exercise and the number of films listed has almost tripled in the interim. I believe the...