
  1. M

    NACA 1950s Airfoil Design Manuals with detailed formula and diagrams

    NACA 1950s Airfoil Design Manuals with detailed formula and diagrams, adding a open-source airfoil-computing software in the 5th zip attachment. Including: Normal airfoils, supersonic airfoil and other subsonic airfoil manuals.
  2. M

    WWII German Radar Altitude Fug-101 Fug-102 Fug-103 operation maintenance manual and wiring diagram

    WWII German Radar Altitude Fug-101 Fug-102 Fug-103 operation maintenance manual and wiring diagram. Please download the following 6 pdf attachments:
  3. Ww2 plane diagrams needed

    Hello, I'm a foamcore modeler and I need some drawings of the exterior of aircraft from any nation during ww2 Could you please hook me up with some. Thanks
  4. W

    Electrical wiring diagram P-47 D and N

    Hi, Anyone have it the electrical wiring diagram or the electrical units wing of the P-47 D subsequent august 1944, and P-47N?(TO No 01-65BC-2) If not, I'm interested by the parts catalog of these P-47 about the electrical wiring in the wings or the pilot's flight operating instructions P-47D...