
  1. 1941: best options for the Soviets?

    The discussion of the German best options for the Op. Barbarossa prompted me for this thread. From early 1941, what would be the best options for the Soviets to better withstand Axis invasion? It is not much about their equipment (it's much too late to do many of the changes), but about the...
  2. S

    Hello another newbie

    Hello everyone. I'm so impressed at the level of knowledge and insight of a lot of the members here and fascinating threads about what could be. I've only made a few posts and have mostly been lurking or reading old threads. The international flavor also adds so much to the overall quality...
  3. I

    War Thunder

    Just wanted to see if people here played the amazing (yet sometimes amazingly frustrating) game. Just a little discussion here about it, considering its about WWII planes.