
  1. Number of Allied Plane losses against Germany in May 1944

    Hey everyone, I'm currently translating German Newsweek issue No.718 from June 7th, 1944. In it, the voice over claims: "[...] 1,839 aircraft, including 1,026 four-engine bombers, were destroyed by the heroically attacking German defenses over the Reich territory and over the frontlines in...
  2. For Bill Marshall

    Hi Bill, As you know I recently posted my most recent attempt at Tony Woods German aerial victory files. In it I did a basic analysis of the claims by type victim and date. To get there I literally went through the victories and inserted generic types for the victims in a column I added. So a...
  3. Marianas turkey shooting: claims losses

    Not to derail Greg's thread, perhaps we could discuss the Marianas turkey shooting here, or more precisely the claims, approved kills and real losses.
  4. G

    US and Japanese Aviation Losses Coral Sea-Santa Cruz

    Anyone know of both Japanese and US aviation losses in the 3 carrier battles, Coral Sea, Midway and Santa Cruz? And how lost,i.e. air to air, mechanical, AA artillery, etc. Trying to get an idea about the effectiveness of CAP vectoring for both sides.
  5. 21 June 1944 Poltava. Leadership makes the difference.

    Poltava Air Base - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 75 obsolescent He-111s with good leadership and a bit of luck wiped out a state of the art U.S. Army Air Corps B-17G group plus their airfield. German aircraft apparently escaped with few losses. Is there another source for this air raid...