
  1. GregP

    Luftwaffe Victory Claims Again

    I got a PM that said the link was broken and a request to re-post, so here it is. The old limk wasa Zip file. My new PC has Office 2016 on it and that is no longer an option. My only option seems to be a pdf, so here is a pdf. Unfortunately the file is too big in pdf format. Notr quite sure...
  2. meatloaf109

    maybe I am missing it, but were is the voting option?

    Says it in the title.
  3. le_steph40

    decals for Ki-61-I-Ko 1/48 68th Sentai ?

    Hello, I tried on the web but no success... :-( I'm looking for decals sheet to build a 1/48 Kawasaki Ki-61-I Ko. The option that I need is in the box of Hasegawa 09670 or the option #4 from Aeromaster decals 48-133 Anybody to help me please ? :rolleyes: