
  1. Japes21

    New guy here...

    Hey fellas, I just found this site when googling info on a kit. I like the looks of things here so I decided to join. I am a long time modeler who has been frequenting "other" modeling sites for years and I am always looking for new places to exchange ideas with like minded folks. I can't wait...
  2. tomo pauk

    1941: best options for the Soviets?

    The discussion of the German best options for the Op. Barbarossa prompted me for this thread. From early 1941, what would be the best options for the Soviets to better withstand Axis invasion? It is not much about their equipment (it's much too late to do many of the changes), but about the...
  3. M

    Best Rocket Armament of WWII?

    What was the best aircraft-mounted rocket system produced in WWII? Although it could take quite a few shells to take down a fighter, attack plane, and especially a bomber, in most cases the same could be done with a single rocket. Which rocket had the highest velocity, hit ratio, explosive...
  4. Vaughan

    Trumpeter 1/32 US Navy SBD-5/A-24B "Dauntless"

    Hi All Here's my next build I thought I would try and keep the momentum going so I'm not going to take a break between builds. This of course might not work but I'll give it a go. Here are the spru shoots not much to say here but they are up to Trumpeter's usual high standard no flash and some...