
  1. GregP

    For Bill Marshall

    Hi Bill, As you know I recently posted my most recent attempt at Tony Woods German aerial victory files. In it I did a basic analysis of the claims by type victim and date. To get there I literally went through the victories and inserted generic types for the victims in a column I added. So a...
  2. GregP

    Two P-51's and a P-38

    Thought you guys might enjoy this again ... here's a clip from the Planes of Fame 2012 Airshow with the Horsemen flying two P-51s and a P-38. View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yc94Tj7SP8o The P-51s are being flown by Ed Shipley and Jim Beasley and the P-38 is the Plane of Fame's being...
  3. Thorlifter

    Restoration of PT-305

    What a fantastic project this is. The article and video are well done, except in the beginning where they are shown to be shooting at P-51's. But what a great bunch of guys and gals working on this craft. The National WWII Museum | New Orleans: Collections: Artifacts: PT-305