
  1. D

    Multi rocket boosted jet fighter?

    So there has been very limited, yet notable, testing on the Me 262 with assisted rockets to boost takeoff, as the early jet engines had low power on takeoff. My question is this, could there have been a Me 262 with four detachable rocket boosters to help with takeoff? I also understand that...
  2. eBay: Lockheed PV-1 Ventura

    Notice rockets
  3. V

    Mosquito with invasion stripes and underwing rockets / bombs?

    Hi there I am very interested in seeing if there are any photos out there of a Mosquito FB in full invasion strip livery carrying rockets or bombs under-wing? I know most of the rocket using Mossies were based in Scotland covering Norwegian shipping lanes, but I believe some were used...
  4. C

    How effective were unguided rockets - really?

    Lately I've scanned a lot of WWII literature and one thing strikes me, that in different theaters, the damage pilots claim from their unguided rockets is even more exaggerated than claims of aerial combat. American pilots, in particular, seemed to like the 5" rocket as a weapon, but as an...