
  1. C

    A Shelf Queen No More, Hobbycraft P-35 1/48

    This kit has been sitting on my shelf 90% complete for probably 2 years now. I never fully put it away because I wanted it there taunting me so that I would finally finish it. Well, mission accomplished at last. Maybe not my best effort, but she looks good on the shelf and I'm glad to have her...
  2. The Shelf of Doom...And what to do with it...(slow work in progress)

    Hi All, This tread will be an ongoing one for a while. I hope to ressurect from time to time. My goal is to finish some of the kits of the so called "Shelf of Doom". Kits that were started, but some reason abandoned and never finished. So a few WWII aircraft types from my shelf of Doom will...