
  1. W

    Franco-British vs. USSR in 1942

    Supposing a wildly implausible situation in which Germany is stymied in 1940 leading to their defeat in 1941, what would a Franco-British war against the USSR in 1941/42 have looked like in the air as they fight over control of Central Europe? The scenario, for those interested would be...
  2. W

    Technical developments of a Luftwaffe vs. VVS only war

    Assuming a scenario were the European Axis fought the Soviets alone, say something like Churchill dying pre-war or early on before be becomes PM so Halifax cuts a deal after the Fall of France. So Germany is at peace with everyone and able to trade with the world, plus of course extract...
  3. 1941: best options for the Soviets?

    The discussion of the German best options for the Op. Barbarossa prompted me for this thread. From early 1941, what would be the best options for the Soviets to better withstand Axis invasion? It is not much about their equipment (it's much too late to do many of the changes), but about the...