
  1. J

    Specific use of Nylon in WW2 two-seater Bomber plane cockpits

    I was wondering if there was a specific use of nylon in two-seater bomber planes in WW2 specifically protecting the pilots or if anything in the cockpit utilizes nylon. Not looking for anything related to flak jackets, ropes, ties, helmets, more so the plane. Thank you
  2. O

    Looking for more info, FW 190 A9 with BMW 801 TS at 1.82 ATA

    So i found this awhile ago As you can see this is data for flight speed of a FW 190 A9 with a late war BMW 801 TS making roughly 2250hp at 1.82 ATA. What i am wondering if anybody has any other data about this specific plane with this specific high power output engine setup, i am looking for...