Hi Bill,
As you know I recently posted my most recent attempt at Tony Woods German aerial victory files. In it I did a basic analysis of the claims by type victim and date. To get there I literally went through the victories and inserted generic types for the victims in a column I added. So a...
Hi all!
Had an hard time lately trying to detect "who flew what" about Zero during last year of war.
My main reference is quite generic about specific model, always mentioning it only as "Zero".
It looks that only few units flew A6M until war's end:
205th Ku
252nd "
302nd "
352nd "
381st "...
I saw this picture in a recently purchased book on the Junkers Ju 88. What struck me as odd was the little collapsible (?) ladder that is leaning against the fuselage, just to the rear of the wing root. I have never seen that before. It looks too flimsy to me to be actual ground equipment...
Username: JKim
First name: John
Category: Advanced
Scale: 1/48
Manufacturer: Hasegawa
Model Type: Kawasaki Ki-45 Kai Tei
Aftermarket addons: CMK Ki-45 Interior Set, Eduard Canopy Masks
From Wikipedia...
The Kawasaki Ki-45 Toryu (屠龍, "Dragon Slayer") was a two-seat, twin-engine...
I have found the trouble with the Manage Attachment window while trying to use it for uploading. Its layout looks like a mess. There is a problem with adjusting to the window size methinks. It looks fine while the window is the large type. Anybody else...? Please check on that.
Username: destrozas
First name: sergio
Category: intermeadilly
Scale: 1/72
Manufacturer: Hasegawa 51579 (SP 79)
Model Type: General dynamics/grumman EF 111A Raven (aardvark)
accesory: none
This is my imitation or my interpretation
:?: Hi
Please can anyone help me to identify this propeller as I have no idea what type of aircraft it came from.
The height is 1900mm and the width at the widest part of the blade is 280mm
Thank you :)
Son got this helmet yesterday and stumped as to what type it is!
So far I know its NOT English/Canadian/Japanese/Korean/Chinese.
If you look closely the pressed lip around the helmet is on the lower edge ? This is the problem!
Any good guess's please ?? Is it WW1 WW2 - postwar ...
Following the decision to use the alternate chassis / turret combination for the Tiger. Instead of using the "spare" chassis to make the Ferdinand assault / anti-tank gun, would the Wehrmacht been better advised to use them for mine clearance flail type machines to clear a path for the Tigers -...
A few weeks ago went and visited the U-505. It is a Type IX U-Boot and is located at the Museum of Science and Transportation in Chicago.
Name: U-505
Ordered: 25 September 1939
Builder: Deutsche Werft AG, Hamburg
Laid down: 12 June 1940
Launched: 24 May 1941
Commissioned: 26 August 1941...
Username: Crimea River
First name: Andy
Category: Judge – Non competing
Scale: 1/48
Manufacturer: Dragon
Model Type: Me262B-1a/U1
Aftermarket addons: Gotta toss the vinyl tires and use something else.
Username: JKim
First name: John
Category: Advanced
Scale: 1/48
Manufacturer: Hobby Boss
Model Type: Messerschmitt Me262B-1a
Aftermarket addons: Eduard P.E. seatbelts
This will be mostly an out-of-box build. Keeping it simple so I can get out of this rut and get back on my Flogger...
Would Supermarine getting a production contract for the Type 224 (most likely with a Kestrel engine and radiator) be a help or hindrance to Supermarine getting the Spitfire MkI into production.
I was wondering because before the Spit Supermarines were a Flying Boat and Seaplane maker and had...
Hello everyone. I have a request. Together with a friend, I found the air temperature sensor TYPE C-13. I established myself that was installed in the aircraft bomb B-17, B-24 and B-25. In this sensor, the serial numbers ( text below ). I therefore question of what exactly the plane came from, I...