All Spitfires re-drawn and new ones added - large thread here as there were a lot to do...
This example is a Spitfire Mk I of the Armée de l'Air 1940.
This example is a Spitfire Mk I of 19 Squadron RAF 1940.
This example is a Spitfire Mk I of 41 Squadron RAF 1940.
I revived this old thread to stop from continuing to hijack the "What's the Deal with Russian Wing Design?" thread. To continue from there, go to post #8. If you haven't seen this thread before, you might like the pics before post #8.
OK, I went back and re-loaded some of the pics...
Username: Chris Brown
First name:Chris
Category: Advanced
Scale: 1/48
Manufacturer: Eduard
Model Type: P-38L-5
Aftermarket add-ons: Maybe an additional Eduard P-38 update set for some of the wheel wells.
For this GB I will be modeling one of the Lightnings that Bob Dehaven flew in the...