
  1. Allison V-1710 documents

    I am going to slowly add my Allison manuals to the site and invite others to post their V-1710 stuff here as well so it is all in one location. It will be slow as I have started to process the Lancaster Vol 1 and that will take time as it is a bit if a mess. Avro Lancaster manuals This first...
  2. Allison V-1710 RPM - crankshaft RPM versus propshaft RPM

    Recently I've had reason to look into the gritty mechanical details of high-displacement aero engines in general and the Allison V-1710 in particular. All sources broadly agree that the V-1710 (excluding a few late-war models) generated its maximum power around 3,000 RPM, that it utilized a...
  3. MiG-3 with Allison

    I've posted in here before about Joe Yancey and his very good Allison shop. Here's a few pics of a Soviet MiG-3 with a Joe yancey Allison V-1710 engine being flown in Moscow, Russia last fall. 1) On ground: 2) Here is a shot in the air: 3) Here is a shot of the aircraft in a left bank. If...
  4. Continental XI-1430 Hyper engine sucking resources from V-1710

    Should the US Army hyper engine and the Continental XI-1430 projects have been cancelled and the resources invested in development of the V-1710 and its derivatives?
  5. M

    World War II and the V-1710
