The V-1 Flying Bomb's original training video translated into English. The V-1 or Vergeltungswaffe 1 AKA Vengeance Weapon 1 was an early cruise missile. This German training film labeled as "TOP SECRET" from the E.d.L (Erprobungsstelle der Luftwaffe = Test Center of the Air Force) Karlshagen...
Pilot's Flight Operating Instructions for the A-35B-1-VN. Assembled from the three parts posted by Micdrow in this old thread. Bonus document from the National Archives of Australia listing the differences between several Vengeance models.
I would like to share with you our Vultee Vengeance series which is finally completed. My father made these 22 models a couple of month ago but last week our friend Luis gave us some special decals used on these models.
My father made a lot of modifications on each model for example...