1/32 Me-110 G-4 - Heavy Hitters II GB

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1st Lieutenant
Nov 20, 2007
Username, Javlin
Catagory, Intermediate.
Scale, 1/32
Manufacturer, Revell
Model type, Me-110 G-4

It has been awhile since I have done a Gruppe Build but have longed looked at this kit to build one day.The PE kit is abit outdated by todays standards but should still provide a much better interior than the kit supplied setup.I am also not really well aquainted with this aircraft type much at all so any info well be appreciated as the build progresses.The engine area I am still not sure I want to dive into for it can become quite time comsuming explaining the reason I kept it out of play on the G-2 recently completed.I have a feeling that the pit will keep me quite busy and I also seem to remember there being inaccuracies in panel lines maybe(?)Well I have some reading to do methinks there is one or two Squadron books floating about not much but a start.


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Well upon doing the internet research this kit resembles more a G-2 in some regards than a G-4 with interest being directed at the tailfins/rudder and the engine nacelles.I had one book only and it's not a Squadron with the scale drawings which now I hope my LHS has it in stock.I am not displaced by the fact of having to re-engineer the rudders but do need a decent scale copy lithogragh to work from.Then the nacelles are missing a scoop much like the Me-109 G's utilized(?) from what I understand so out to the LHS later this week.The copit is were I will start this evening in fact about to lay a coat of self etching primer now and let it cure for a few hrs. on the PE parts.

The book I did have had an interesting pic with a G-4 with MG151 up top and a 37mm under the chin :shock: now that's fire power :D
Talk at you fellas later ;)
According to the Kagero book about the Bf110 both the G-2 variant and the G-4 one with the FuG 202 radar and flame dampers had either the modified rudders or the early one.
According to the Kagero book about the Bf110 both the G-2 variant and the G-4 one with the FuG 202 radar and flame dampers had either the modified rudders or the early one.

Wojtek been looking for other decals but most are for C/D's and the decals that are supplied are for Oberleutnant Martin Drewes Gr.Commander of III/NJG.1 March 1944.My next search is about his plane maybe some pics out there?
Thanks for the reply Wojtek Isure do like the daytime crate but cannot really tell if there is a difference in the nose?I found this interesting little tidbit..........

The nose carried the factory standard four 7.9mm MG, and not the more familiar 30mm cannon. Drewes told me that he did not like the cannon, and instructed his ground crew to exchange them for the machine guns, because the cannons blasted huge pieces of the bomber. These could seriously damage his fighter, as the shooting distance was never beyond a mere 35 met


and some more.....

Martin Drewes finished the war with a grand total of 52 victories, consisting of a Spitfire, a Gladiator, 7 day bombers (B-17 and B-24), and 43 British night bombers, most of them the lateAs to have some interesting insight in another role of the Nachtjagdfliegern (nightfighting pilots), I was talking to Drewes, a true gentleman, at his home when he told me that indeed G9+WD was an ex-nightfighter transformed into a Tagzerstörer (Heavy Day Fighter) for intercepting American bomber formations of B-17 and B-24 crossing the Reich in 1943 - when escort fighters were rare sights over Germany - with its radar set removed for increased speed, and no belly 20mm twin cannons pack as well, for the same reason.

However, he had another aircraft for specific nightfighting, G9+MD, with no personal markings, complete with the radar set, etc., so he had two available aircraft, each for a specific role. Indeed, only pilots with less than 20 night victories would reinforce the day fighters struggle against the intruders of the Reich airspace, as the others were considered too valuable to be inevitably spent in dayfighting with the ever growing menace, at the time, of the allied escort fighters.

One night, after detecting an unsuspecting Lancaster in the bomber stream, into which he mixed up thanks to Erich Handke (his excellent Bordfunker, or radar-operator, Ritterkreuzträger, or Knight's Cross bearer, in German), he proceed to make the conventional Schräge Musik attack, right from below, spreading the these guns fire from the inboard left engine till the starboard one (a vital area, with fuel tanks half full, so with a lot of fuel vapours to cause a huge explosion if hit...), but in this case, the unaware bomber initiated a right turn, and the 2-3 second shot got itself concentrated on the BOMB BAY, STILL FULL OF ITS DEADLY CARGO!!! The bomber disintegrated, and took Drewes and its crew with it, through an incredible amount of debris, which dilacerated the Bf-110G-4 (G9+MD)...they all had to jump immediately for their lives from the plane's blazing hulk!!! One schrapnel hit the gunner's (Oberfeldwebel Petz) wristwatch, stopping it right at the moment of the explosion: 01:19hs...

After this incident,and the recuperation of he and his crew, Drewes then took old G9+WD back to its more appropriated affairs of nightfighting, and so the story goes...

st Bomber Command weapon, Lancasters. He was one of a few to receive the Knight's Cross with Oak Leaves in the German armed forces.
One of the most relaxing modeling sessions in awhile!!! I made boxes! :lol: Eight of them to be a matter of fact for the radar control panel area.The instructions indicated that abit of the moulded material needed to be removed hence the while palstic board that was inserted.I did a very light dry brush on the radar board as a test on the effects with decent results.The problem is that back in 95 when I got the kit and the PE the PE was not as good as it is today with making raised details appear but it should work.I have to give Eruard kudos though for making those boxes so easy to build :thumbright:




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