Staff Sergeant
Started on this a month ago for face Book group build. Thought i would share some progress pics. Model interior and exterior painted with MRP paints. Model weather with Mig dark wash and oil streaks done with Mig streaking grim. Enjoy
21687538_10212930185222258_3131324448710474585_n by Brian scott, on Flickr
21765255_10212930185462264_8303865578251102336_n by Brian scott, on Flickr
21766749_10212930185502265_2103513535090157619_n by Brian scott, on Flickr
22851676_10213204282434517_4236089906961096179_n by Brian scott, on Flickr
22851861_10213204283674548_1126558121995513136_n by Brian scott, on Flickr
22852031_10213204280514469_5100528442272404661_n by Brian scott, on Flickr
22852031_10213204280514469_5100528442272404661_n by Brian scott, on Flickr
22852177_10213204281434492_4449421089926548549_n by Brian scott, on Flickr
22853122_10213204280274463_341837425496873248_n by Brian scott, on Flickr
22853429_10213204284114559_4837529872451210784_n by Brian scott, on Flickr
23031181_10213204282074508_158833146666836450_n by Brian scott, on Flickr