First Name: Igor
Scale: 1/72 Kit (its kinda like 2 kits melded into one)
Manufacturer: Tamiya
Model Type: Bf-109E4
Details: The 109 was the first real kit I did most of my assembly with at like 8 or 9 (without dad's help, we used to do tons of kits when I was a child but the 109 I wanted to do alone), and I had a impossible choice of choosing either Black 8(I beleive it was a matchbox kit I have the model here somewhere ) from jg. 27 or yellow 65 a Romanian 109. I wanted to do the Jg 27 plane so bad that I promised myself I'd do that Romanian 109 later.
So 13-14 years later and here we are. I stepped into my local hobby shop and found this kit at 9 bucks, someone butchered the previous decals of the aircraft and a couple other things (1 wing part was missing, canopy was trashed and a couple other pieces missing) I purchased it and took it back home. I have a Tamiya Bf-109 E4/7 kit that I purchased from ebay a while back with some parts missing. So If its ok with the judges I combined both into 1 kit (there the same kit so I hope it isn't a issue modifications from one damaged Bf-109 to another were common in the field?)
The history I'll have to look up later since 3 days of annoying Imalko (Igor)about Yugoslav aircraft and Wurger about Fw-190s have left me tired BIG thanks to both of them
The pics are from the net I hope I didn't break any copyright stuff :S
First Name: Igor
Scale: 1/72 Kit (its kinda like 2 kits melded into one)
Manufacturer: Tamiya
Model Type: Bf-109E4
Details: The 109 was the first real kit I did most of my assembly with at like 8 or 9 (without dad's help, we used to do tons of kits when I was a child but the 109 I wanted to do alone), and I had a impossible choice of choosing either Black 8(I beleive it was a matchbox kit I have the model here somewhere ) from jg. 27 or yellow 65 a Romanian 109. I wanted to do the Jg 27 plane so bad that I promised myself I'd do that Romanian 109 later.
So 13-14 years later and here we are. I stepped into my local hobby shop and found this kit at 9 bucks, someone butchered the previous decals of the aircraft and a couple other things (1 wing part was missing, canopy was trashed and a couple other pieces missing) I purchased it and took it back home. I have a Tamiya Bf-109 E4/7 kit that I purchased from ebay a while back with some parts missing. So If its ok with the judges I combined both into 1 kit (there the same kit so I hope it isn't a issue modifications from one damaged Bf-109 to another were common in the field?)
The history I'll have to look up later since 3 days of annoying Imalko (Igor)about Yugoslav aircraft and Wurger about Fw-190s have left me tired BIG thanks to both of them
The pics are from the net I hope I didn't break any copyright stuff :S
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