1/72 Bf 109E-4 - Your Favorite Aircraft of All Time GB

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Hehe nice one Airframes

No update yet guys, but does anyone have the link to the site with all the structural blueprints of aircraft, I think its a Ukranian or Russian site (but I beleive its Ukranian as I vaguely remember putting it in my bookmark section and then losing it :S ) I need the Blueprints for the Bf-109E-4 so I can check the panel lines on the aircraft before I put her together and glue her shut

I'll post some updates on the panel and then if I get time and I check out the blueprint the coming together of the fuselage halves.
I'll find the website soon :S hopefully if I get through these 4 other fav folder's it'll be in there.

On the construction front Todays work :

Yay! It Snowed April and snow never seen that before at least it was a light snow, but then it was replaced with freezing rain :S, temp. fell drasticly from +10 to +1 Celsius.

Now on to the model:
Wires attached and instrument panel attached to one portion of the fuselage, the reason I took it off the other portion of the kit was the fit on the fuselage, by itself it aligns perfectly to the fuselage and no filler is needed, without it and aligning it with the other section (Pedals and lower part of the canopy) It would need substantial filler, in the shot you get a better look of the completed instrument panel as well I'm the most happy with these results vs the other attempts at the panel. Although the white on the instruments isn't clearly displayed in the camera shot but its there in real life. I'll try to catch another angle with my camera later on.

Side shot with the wiring added onto this part of the fuselage. I think it turned out good Epoxy is a life saver

Last Shot, the pedals and other section that was attached to the instrument panel, I'll probobly chop off the top so I can fit it in nicely into the model. Wires added as per my refrences.

I found a couple detailed pictures of the 109s cockpit from various sites if anyone is in need of them I'll pm them out to you since I'm not sure how the forum regulations are about posting website urls

On another note I could of added a couple more wires (not so important ones and in colors that don't really stand out in the cockpit) but being this a tight fit as is, I'm afraid if I add them, they'll have to be choped off later on in the build because the fuselage won't come together. I'm pretty happy at the results atm and I'll be posting the put together fuselage and wing sections in a couple of days
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So I did a lot of work over the past couple days but was lazy on the uploading This ones going to be a bit longer than usual, first off:

The pilot's compartement doesn't fit exactly and there are substantial spaces when I did a dry fit to the fuselage. I added some sprue sheet to fill the gap.

Once the sprue is painted and goes in for a dry fit you don't notice any gap

Another slight issue were the wires, through the numerous dry fittings that I've done they've fallen off, gotten bent and I noticed that the position of the wires wasn't aligned properly to my refrences.

Fixing it is pretty easy, just taking them off, re-painting new wire and putting it in. Alignment is fixed

Side View when cementing the cockpit and instruement panels together to one side of the fuselage:

Back View checking the space etc.

The Models been pretty good so far I just can't wait for good weather and time in the painting booth once the other side of the fuselage goes on and the wings .

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