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Aug 21, 2006
In my castle....
Just thought that I'd start a thread for my 13's, for questions and what not that I might have and future builds....:lol:

Kicking off with this one....

Has anyone ever seen pics or a profile of Heinrich Bartels Yellow 13+~, is this Messerschmitt an G-10 or an K-4 with Wk.Nr.130359? I think I've seen somewhere that he went MIA in it in 23 December 1944, the 109 was later be found at Villip near Bad Godesberg on 26.01.1968, with his remains inside.

...and this one, Uffz. Erich Barthel and his Bf 109G-? Blue 13+ with W.Nr.512430 should be Schoenwalde, October`44.

Something for the experten and other to ponder over....8) :lol: :oops:
I think I was remembering this one Jan. Bartells' Bf109G-6, 'Red 13', in the Med, end of 1943. Both pics are of this aircraft, nice detail shot of the cannon gondolas, and are from Bundes Archiv, Koblenz. The profile is fro an American 'data file' series, sent to me by Bob, the American Mossie pilot. Yes, Bartells went missing over Bonn, and was found in 1968.
Hope you enjoy plenty of 'Scottish white wine' over Christmas!
Cheerie pip, old fruit!


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Cheers chaps...! :thumbleft:

I've got the decals for this one....I've also managed to find a somewhat small profile for his, Bartels, Yellow 13....question is though, is it correct? It's put down as a G-10.:confused: :lol:


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Looks like 'Yellow 13' could be correct; very likely Bartels would have been using a G-10 by that time. I looked him up on Google, found quite a bit, but the one site that might have had an answer for 'Yellow 13' I couldn't access - connection problems. I'm still looking through my stuff, as I still think I may have a pic somewhere.
I would like to see a photo that shows the 2 red bars of Bartel's Red 13, I still havent seen one.....

As far as I know the Yellow 13 profile is a best guess, but has been around for quite a while.
To be honest Dan and Wayne, I can't remember ever seen a pic of Bartels 13+= either... Hopefully, if I ask nicely, Erich will confirm his Yellow 13~ one way or another...since it's his period of expertise.

Then I'd use these for numerals etc....


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Don't know where the profile info came from, but I vaguley remember seeing a photo of the twin bars, years ago. Can't remember if they were red or not though.
Jan, those look like useful decal sheets. Are they the Pedinghaus ones, or another company? Could do with a small 'stock' myself.
Haven't found much more about Heinrich Bartels and his last "Yellow 13", other than he was supposedly shot down and killed by a pilot from "Zemkes Wolfpack" 56th FG. He also seemed to have been flying with Erg./JG 26, JG 1, besides JG 5 and JG 27.
So far by the small amount that I've found out about Heinrich Bartels is that he loved to dogfight and that he took off on his last flight at 11:00 On 23 December in his Bf 109G-10 "Yellow 13" W.Nr. 130 359, with his flight and that his wingman was Oberfähnrich Rolf Brand.... Also that he was famous for pranks and drinking, but after getting his Knight's cross, he apparently went a bit too far.
In Petsamo, November 1942:
First he woke up Schuck, and made him drink Cognac, each time pouring the liquor over his new Knight's cross, to "baptize" it. Meanwhile Kurt Dylewski, his inseparable Wingman (also very drunk) started playing the guitar extremely loud and extremely false.
After leaving Schuck (and three empty cognac bottles) Bartels went on a drunken rampage:
First, he tried to steal a truck, but the driver had taken the key. The driver woke up and pulled the drunken Bartels out of the cabin and started beating him up.
After realizing whom he was beating up, the driver panicked and ran into the enlisted quarters, went to bed and pretended to sleep.
Bartels followed him and searched the barracks for the drivers wet boots, finally finding them and promptly beating the crap out of the guy in the bed next to the boots.
The original culprit meanwhile had the upper bed and hid successfully...
After that, Bartels and Dylewski went to the civilian quarters and invaded the billet of the lapland women who were employed in cleaning and washing duties in Petsamo.
He lifted every blanket and each time he shouted (in broad austrian dialect):
"Pfui Teifi, A so a brutaler Wahnsinn, s'stinkt furchtbor noch Kas! Ois Kas, gonz a oiter Kas!"
(roughly translated "wow, it really smells like cheese under here, terrible old cheese!")
The semi-nomadic laplanders had a bit of a strong smell apparently.
Still not ready to call it a night, Bartels went into the stables, and pulled out one of the mules.
He led the mule to the billet of the "Spieß" (Company Sergeant) of his staffel, made it stand halfly on the sleeping man's bed. As Bartels was a Butcher in Civilian life, he knew how to treat animals and the poor mule emptied its bowels over the sleeping Feldwebel, covering him and the entire bed with #%*$#... After that, Bartels finally went to sleep.
Yeah....I think that was best for your own good to stay in Heinrichs good book, so that you wouldn't be on the receiving end of his pranks....:lol:

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