20th century Warbird Remants in PNG

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Aug 31, 2008
Cairns QLD
T'is a sad place of neglect the wrecks that were left behind by the likes of Yesterdays Airforce and private collectors of the last 50 years. The saga of the Swamp Ghost (B17E 412446) still continuing today. These are some photos of the remains I have covered during my last 10 years in PNG.
Whilst they are remains of other countries machines waring over the expansion of imperialism, thewrecks still have some place in PNG history, their value not usually considered important to a 'young country'.
Regardless I hope you enjoy some of past still remaining.

At the end of the 20th Century this Wirraway A20-1? was restored in Australia and gifted to the PNG Government. This is where it is hiding - in the back room of the museum in Gordons Port Moresby.

In the garden (?) of the Natrual History Museum a P38 stands slowly returning to the ground. No serial numbers nor markings remain. Just oxidizing aluminium.

At Tokua (Near old Rabual) lies another museum - mostly Japanese remants following occupation (naturally).

A Zero (in the fore ground a B25 Tail Gun .30 Cal)

A few feet away from the zero - A Betty cockpit and inverted bomb bay

Some perculiar wrecks:

A Sakai 12 Engine at the Tokua (Rabual) annex

A Kitty/Toma hawk fuselage at the Museum backroom in Port Moresby. Now no longer there Aug 08. However, I believe this fuselage forms the bulk of the P40 restoration project at Mareeba QLD

Finally for now a Ford Trimotor - salvaged from the New Guinea Highlands.
Infront lies one of several ex TAA (Sunbird Airlines) PW Catalina and/or DC3 engines

Thanks for the great pics. I agree with all, shame to see them rotting away; makes you wonder what would happen if they weren't so 'remote'. Can't imagine that situation in the 'States or Europe, but I guess there are different priorities there.
Amazing shots. Maybe some one with money will buy them and restore them to there former glory. The P-38 though missing a ton of parts looks like it could be a starter project considering there are not a whole lot of them left in the world.
Not trying to be disrespectful, but that p-40 fuselage looks an awful lot like a KI-61. By the angle I can't tell if there are cut outs behind the canopy. Correct me if I am wrong, which I am sure will not be a problem with all of the experience on this forum. Flame away gentlemen.

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