404th Fighter Group - Snorting Bull P-47

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2nd Lieutenant
Sep 11, 2007
Looking for some pictures of a P-47 named Snoring Bull (Snortin Bull) flown by James A. Mullins of the 404the Fighter-Bomber Group of the 9th Air Force.
I've found a few pictures via Google searches, thier history page, and in a couple books, but thought maybe some members would had other pictures of this aircraft or know where else to look.
i will look through the stuff i gathered together when building my P-47 for the PTO group build when i get chance Buck, will be a couple of days till my next day off though

Thanks, no hurry. This is for my first group build as well so I'm a long way from the painting stage. Some confusion on the paint job put on this particular P-47. Just want to confirm the paint scheme before I get too far along in case I need to change the marking I will use.
This is a Fighter-Bomber unit that was based in the ETO, moved to the main European Continent in Mid '44?
Hey guys. I am new to the site and apologize if I am not posting in the proper location. If you still have questions about the Snortin Bull let me know. I am the pilots son and have quite a bit of info about his combat history and his three aircraft.

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