70th Anniversary of the First Flight of Whittle's Engine

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Not to take away from Whittle, together with Ohain (who built his jet engine at approx the same time) they were pioneers and were the leaders in early Jet technology, but the Heinkel flew in 1939...

With all respect Frank Whittle didn't invent the engine ,he simply built the first British jet engine with centrifugal compressor.He applied for a patent in 1930 and his engine run in 1937..Von Ohain applied for a patent in 1936 but his engine run two months earlier that Whittles in 1937 ! the incredible short time between patent application and running is absolutely amazing its less than a year .. He flew 2 years earlier than Whittle means Germans were ahead in overall technology
But neither von Ohain nor Whittle didn't invent jet engine from scratch ..The function of Jet propulsion or in other words Gas Turbine was very well known before them.
Remember it was George Brayton who laid down the principles first ,thats why its still called Brayton Cycle intake+compression+combustion+exhaust
until 1930 so many brilliant engineers and scientist have produced ideas that helped both Whittle and Von Ohain to create their own engines, inventors they are not ! In France, Maxime Guillaume was issued a patent for the use of an axial-flow turbojet engine to power an aircraft in 1921! but couldnt built it but his design was revolutionary and used in future developments . Hungarian mechanical engineer Albert Fonó filed a patent in Germany in 1928 ,the wrong country at that time for several jet engine designs, including a turbojet. The American Rocket Society reviewed Fonó's patents in 1960 and acknowledged him as the inventor of the jet engine. So everyone can have his or her inventors but the reality is different .

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