Accurate Wright R-1820 engine

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Dec 11, 2010
Hi Everyone,
I'm new here and this is my first post. I'm in the planning stages of building a B-17G. I have the R/M 1/48 kit all ready and I'm starting to order the aftermarket kits. My question is who makes the most accurate Wright R-1820 engine, Airies, CMK, Vector, or some other manufacture. I was thinking about doing an open cowl or engine replacement. Thank you.
Hi Rick, Welcome to the forum.

You will find the folks here most helpful, now, they sometimes get a little crazy and carried away, but it's all in good fun. For an example and a good laugh:

On to your question, you really can't go wrong with Aires or Quickboost.

Aires has a very nice R-1820, #4166, that would be a great "stand alone" engine out of the aircraft. Engine/engine Set ~ Aires, Hobby models - Part 3

Quickboost makes a set for the R/M B-17G, #48 039, 4 engines, 4 back plates with cowl flaps, QUICKBOOST Scale 1/48 they also have R-1820's for other kits that could possibly be adapted, if you're only wanting one.

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