I can totally understand your issue if you are trying to paint yellow acrylic onto gloss black. Though you have not specified whether the blades are gloss black, perhaps that is your issue. Generally, acrylics don't lend themselves well to brush painting in any case.
Acrylics have the lowest bond capability of the 3 types of paint usually available to modelers (the other two are enamels and lacquers) and the yellow colour is commonly known to be a difficult colour to paint anyway, no matter the type of paint, especially with a brush.
Rather than give up on your paint, you might try applying a flat grey or white enamel coat onto your blades and then try your yellow. But if you are going to do that, you might as well get yourself a bottle of yellow enamel. Also, if you DID use gloss black, roughen it up a bit with some sandpaper and then try brushing the yellow again. That might give the paint more chance to stick.