Afew words with members ...

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Chief Master Sergeant
Aug 27, 2017
Tehran, Iran
Hi to all forum members ...

We have 2 very important days ...

Christmas and Nowrooz (22nd of March) ...

As annually habit, I send a small gift to my foreigne friends ...

If you like to have same thing here, let me to know ...

We can send anything, postal cards, books, souvenirs ...

Feel free to write your idea, words ...

For this year, I will start sending items from next week Monday.

I send stuff to Czech rep., Norway, Bulgaria, Romania each year.

Feel free to contact me here or my gmail.
Artesh, many thanks for your kind thoughts they are very much appreciated. We often say here that: "It is the thought that counts" and that is very true in this case. Please save your money and buy something for your own family. Your thoughts and intent are a precious gift
My thoughts to you are that you have a very Happy and Merry Christmas and at the vernal equinox a Happy and prosperous New Year

Hi dear Mike,

You're welcome.

As I said, I do this about 5 years ... I save a part of my money for this speciall 80 days.

Christmas is 11th of Dey and Nowrooz is 1st of Farvardin.

I wish you a good and successful year.

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