Air 2 Air photos of WW2 fighters from New Zealand.

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yip, thats the same photo.
At that time the editor recevied a load of emails from around the world from people saying its was fake as there are not seven fokkers flying together in one country and that that the formation was too perfect.

We are very lucky to have seven flying Fokkers there and good pilots made that photo, I was just the lucky mug on the end of the camera.

Here are a few more after searching through my photo bucket.


Well I have to say its a great shot and a very impressive sight!
Wow just wow excellent photos! I love seeing shots like this! Please post up more if you have them, its bolstering my collection! Thanks for posting these and welcome!

Especially thankful for the wonderful shots of the P40 in RAAF colours! Looks a tough and menacing but reassuring! Found its angles perfectly!

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