Chief Master Sergeant
If I remember right the Hornet had about an 800 foot flight deck. From seeing film of the take off I am guessing the first B25 had about 500 feet to work with. If you recall, one of the later takeoffs was done even though the pilot forgot to lower flaps. That was exciting. As far as Spits are concerned, I imagine a takeoff from land(depending on wind) could be managed in perhaps 900 ft if AC is lightly loaded. Off a carrier with WOD that would be much shorter. If I remember right the Malta Spits had to takeoff with exterior tanks because they were 450 miles out. Taking off from a jeep carrier in a P47 must have been problematical as the Jug was a notorious ground love lover. I was involved in building a limited service hotel that was 55 ft high, 200 ft long and 65 ft wide. I think that is the approximate size of the flight deck on CV1 the Langely. I used to stand on the roof and imagine landing an AC on that hotel roof. Whew!