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Jul 4, 2020
Hi, I am new to the site.
I occasionally visit an old ww2 raf bomber base and have found bits and pieces, but have not been able to match the stamps on the parts. Several parts are stamped HP which I believe is Handley Page but the numbers after the HP do not tally with any codes I can find. The base was used by the Canadians.
I have also attached a photo of a part which curiously has a Lorenz Herst stamp on it which I believe was a german radio manufacturer, this piece if magnified shows the outline of a circuit board.
Thank you for looking, any replies gratefully received.


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The stamps would have been issued to individual inspectors, so the numbers have no relationship to part numbers, or aircraft types. My stamp, as a production employee is a 5 or 6 digit code that is tied to me and only me. My stamps are on paperwork and parts for 4 different series of fighters over my career.
Thank you, would I still be right in thinking the HP is a Handley Page aircraft, or am I barking up the wrong tree completely?
Hey DickieB1965,

The part with the R3 over 33J in an oval is an Avro inspector's stamp from their Manchester factory complex. Are there any other numbers on the part?

The 57 in the part numbers SS571178L9 and ASS571178L16 is the HP aircraft type designator for the Halifax. The HP45C in an oval is a HP inspector's stamp.
Hi that's great, it is so nice to be able to place, however small with a make of aircraft. I do have other numbers which I will post, one I believe to be from a Wellington but not 100% sure.
Many thanks.

Correct, I was an inspector for the Commonwealth Aircraft Corporation (CAC) in Melbourne my stamp number was CAC137, I used my stamp on a design I did for a restored CAC Mustang based at the RAF Museum. On a sad note the owner of the Mustang, Bob Eastgate, died just last week, one of the pioneers of Warbird restoration in Australia.


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