People were talking about the AT guns of pre-war and wartime, so why not give it a dedicated what-if thread
Note that thread is about all the ww2 belligerents, including the countries that will just be buying the guns for their armed forces.
Not about the tank guns, since these have their additional set of requirements.
IN 1935-36-37 the Germans could have made better choices, one of them should have been build 47-50mm AT guns instead of 37mm so the Divisional artillery had to save the day so many times when the 37mm's didn't work.
I don't know. Pre war the 37mm/2pdr seems to have been perfectly adequate for AT use. The 5cm PAK was more than twice as heavy as the 37mm one. Of course pretty soon tanks had enough armor that the 5cm PAK wasn't enough either.
Note that thread is about all the ww2 belligerents, including the countries that will just be buying the guns for their armed forces.
Not about the tank guns, since these have their additional set of requirements.