An Austrian town called.......

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Staff Sergeant
Jul 2, 2006
Kiwi Land
Read the newspaper article.


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Now if that town had a hot spring or spa wouldn't it be called BAD F-CKING? Evidently there's no spa because everyone knows there is no such thing as BAD F-CKING.
It would be interesting. First, you would stay in the F*cking hotel, eat at the F*cking restaurant and wander around F*cking. After all of that, you'd be ready for a cigarette! Who would've thought you could ever be tired of F*cking?
That's even better than the official AA 'Even more cow dung road' sign I saw in NZ!!

I do suspect a joke is being pulled though, Austrians aren't as ignorant as this article would make them out to be...
Sorry guys, it's a good laugh, but I think it's a hoax...if it exists then it's a Gypsy tent camp,as the whole region is a swamp with no road access. There is a place called Franking, but that's a bit south of the weichsee.
Nice find though Kiwi!
You British are a randy lot! As for us in the states, we're alittle more sophisticated when it comes to naming our towns.


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Sorry guys, it's a good laugh, but I think it's a hoax...if it exists then it's a Gypsy tent camp,as the whole region is a swamp with no road access. There is a place called Franking, but that's a bit south of the weichsee.

Try a google earth search. I did check it existed before posting.

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