1st Lieutenant
Great preflight inspections for two weeks. If you are told you work for the worlds safest airline and they have never had an accident they you "know" you will not find anything on your preflights.
Like about 15 years back when the galley drains had been freezing up for weeks on one 747 and the maintenance action was to issue the galley crew lots of towels to soak up the flooding on the galley floors.
Then a flight from London to Bangkok lost electrical power from at least three engines (the initial report said from all four engines) 15 minutes out of Bangkok because on descent the water under floor created a waterfall over all the alternator control system and caused them to fail. A post accident investigation of the fleet showed that half the fleet had the same issue and it was very easy to see if you opened the access door on your preflight or maintenance checks and actually looked - instead of expecting to see nothing wrong.
Like about 15 years back when the galley drains had been freezing up for weeks on one 747 and the maintenance action was to issue the galley crew lots of towels to soak up the flooding on the galley floors.
Then a flight from London to Bangkok lost electrical power from at least three engines (the initial report said from all four engines) 15 minutes out of Bangkok because on descent the water under floor created a waterfall over all the alternator control system and caused them to fail. A post accident investigation of the fleet showed that half the fleet had the same issue and it was very easy to see if you opened the access door on your preflight or maintenance checks and actually looked - instead of expecting to see nothing wrong.
Qantas called out for process failures and 'cascade of errors' over 1.25m tool left in A380 engine
The safety regulator has lashed national carrier Qantas over a "cascade of errors" that saw a 1.25-metre tool left in an engine for 300 hours of flying time.