August bank holiday weekend Halesworth museum

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Hi to all in UK and any visitors during August
As stated above, Halesworth 56th Fighter Group museum has it's yearly grand opening weekend for the August bank holiday on the 24th 25th.
I will be there for those days as I hope to have copies of my fathers memoirs available to buy as it will be available from 1st August 2014. The title is 'Out in front' a Polish fighter pilots story' by Witold 'Lanny' Lanowski.
It's a great museum run by total enthusiasts so if you can please drop in

Thanks for the notification Krys. I think I'll be in the Czech republic that weekend, if plans work out, although they're looking shaky at the moment. If I'm not, then I'll try to get there.
Man you guys in the UK are very fortunate to have these kinds of events available. That would be great to visit the museum.
There's a guy on Aeroscale, I believe his name is Nigel Julien and he manages/created a website dedicated to the 56th Fighter group.
I am sure he will be there. He's also done a lot of great P47 models.

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