Empty Weight: 1460kg
Loaded Weight: 1985kg
Wing Area: 23.56m2
Engine: HS.12Ydrs
760hp at Sea Level (100%)
835hp at Sea Level (WEP)
860hp at 4000m (100%)
Max Speed: (Maximum Power, 920 mmHg)
Sea Level: 315kph
1000m: 331kph
2000m: 348kph
3000m: 364kph
4000m: 380kph
5000m: 372kph
6000m: 360kph
Rate of Climb: (Military Power)
Time to 5000m: 5:30
Stall Speed: (Sea Level, 1985kg, No Flaps)
~125km/h IAS
4x 7.92mm Vz.30 (1200 rounds total)
Maximum Safe Dive Limit:
???km/h IAS
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