B-24 number info

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Jun 27, 2013
My dad served on 953 in south Pacific in early 40's. I have pics of him and entire crew in front of plane as well as two of his log books. Wondering if there is anyway to get additional info on this plane. crew members were Eugene Longfield, Richard L allen, kaine shew, Benjamin Schooley Jr, eugene bogucki,james berend, r.a.evans, ensign Baines (co-pilot), and my Dad Artis Carter.
Any help appreciated.....Barry
Hi Barry;

The basic number on his aircraft is meaningless, if you post a photo and find out what squadron and bomb group he was in (that should be indicated in his logbooks) we could probably get you more information.
found invitation to VPB-116 squadron reunion from 1995 in some of his papers including a copy of some de-classified papers listing composition of squadron. they were flying missions over Toyoko Bay it seems according to action report.
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