B-29 "City of Hollywood" ??

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Jun 14, 2019
Does anyone have any information about the B-29 bomber plane called "City of Hollywood" from WW2?
I believe I may have real-life photos of this plane from during the war time. And would love to learn about its history!
42-94013 was a B-29A-20-BN, delivered to the USAAF in early February 1945.
It too, was assigned to the 29th BG, 6th BS and was originally named "Boeings Boner" then renamed "City of Hollywood". It appears to have been lost due to an engine failure on 14 May 1945.

It is entirely possible that B-29 (44-70105) may have been the replacement for the crew of 94013, as most crews would take their aircraft's "name" with them when they were transferred to another aircraft for whatever reasons.
42-94013 was a B-29A-20-BN, delivered to the USAAF in early February 1945.
It too, was assigned to the 29th BG, 6th BS and was originally named "Boeings Boner" then renamed "City of Hollywood". It appears to have been lost due to an engine failure on 14 May 1945.

It is entirely possible that B-29 (44-70105) may have been the replacement for the crew of 94013, as most crews would take their aircraft's "name" with them when they were transferred to another aircraft for whatever reasons.

Any idea of pictures of it?
I'm trying to identify a picture I found in family things... nose art of a soldier fox? Leaning against a lamp post... street signs say Vine & Hollywood

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This plane was called "Vine Hollywood". Hope it helps!
Awesome!! Thanks. Now to research the "Vine hollywood"! :)

Rudolph, do you have any information about this bomber?? My great uncle has pictures of it from his time in the service!
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