Bandit to starboard!

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Generalfeldmarschall zur Luftschiff Abteilung
Came across a COOL shot of an attacking Me410 taken from a B-17G of the 388th BG.

Not sure of the date, but we can assume it was later in the war by the appearance of the '410. The details are really nice on this photo, you can see the band on the 410, as well as it's cannon.


  • B_17G_388bg.jpg
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Wonder what the bottom ball, top gunner and the right waist gunner were doing while this was going on ??? They each
should have had clear shots at him.

Good pic !

Wonder what the bottom ball, top gunner and the right waist gunner were doing while this was going on ??? They each
should have had clear shots at him.

Good pic !

My thoughts exactly!

Looks like the only guy that had a clear shot, was the one with the camera :lol:

From the perspective of the wing in the foreground, the photo was taken from the Radio console skylight.
A caption to that pic in one book I saw, stated the the B17 had already been damaged by flak. That would probably account for the what appears to be damage to the wing. With that big gun on the '410, it would have made a heck of a bigger mess I think!
Kudos to the photographer. That is a very clear shot for the time frame, espcially when you consider it was in an airplane with lots of vibration and cameras in those days didn't have any image stabilization. Incredible!
Many years ago I have seem this picture in an issue of the old (british) Aeromodeller magazine dedicated to the Me410, and read that the picture was taken for the B17 radio operator Victor La Bruno.Few seconds before the B17´s wing was pierced for a shoot of the 410.
Kudos to the photographer. That is a very clear shot for the time frame, espcially when you consider it was in an airplane with lots of vibration and cameras in those days didn't have any image stabilization. Incredible!

Yes! Vibration, buffeting, fear etc...

great job by the photog... this is a perfect example of "catching a moment".

I wonder what his shutter speed was...

The 410 sure looks vulnerable presenting his belly like that...
I'd like to know what the relative speed of the 410 was... cruising speed of a B17 - attack speed of a 410 = ?
pretty clear shot all right the guys just sitting there and not even moving...

Its a pretty classic shot been replicated in a number of books, must have been one in a million photos too with the rate that 410 would have been going, it hardly would have been strolling though a formation of B17s twirling a cane

Theres a good one of a 'Nick' that dived head on at a B29 and has missed ramming it by feet

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