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Airman 1st Class
Around 1984, there was a 12 hour program about World War II called "Battlefield" in which several major battles were discussed. There were six battles, each with a one hour prelude to battle and a one hour discussion of the battle. It covered "The Battle of France", "The Battle of Britain", "The Battle of Midway", "The Battle of Stalingrad", "The Battle of Normandy", and "The Battle of Berlin".

I think it may have been produced in Britain and was sold in the U. S. by Time-LIFE. It's a very good series. I know a young man who would like to buy this series but I can't find it and it seems it may be out of production. Can anyone suggest where I might look to see if I can find this set? I would prefer a new set but that may not be possible in this case.

Any help would be appreciated.

Ignore the Adult bookshop bit, thats downstairs - its the ground floor you want, they sell normal books, a great range of DvDs videos on ww2 - they actually have the battlefield series for sale. there was also the Battle of Arnhem and battle of monte cassino as well

If youre a great fan of Laurel hardy, buster keaton, charlie chaplin they got those as well.
Hello Everyone, does anyone know where I can get this set with Tim Piggot Smith narrating? I have looked far and wide for these great documentaries. I have been checking ebay but I live in the U.S. and the region codes are for Europe. Anyone who can find me these DVDs ? I would pay very well for this set. Thanks in advance.

I've got the original set on video tape. I could make a copy you could use until you find it on DVD. I'm trying to find Battlefield II. I've seen some of those episodes on DVD in Britain but I don't know if they would play in the U. S. or not. I'd like to get a copy of Battlefield Vietnam, too, as well as Die Deutschen Luftwaffe. Guess I should have purchased the things when they were available but couldn't afford to at the time. Besides, I thought they'd still be easy to find.
Thanks for the replies, Amazon didn't have any for sale. Reddragon, that is an awfully nice offer, sir. Perhaps we can work out an arrangement for the video set. I could have them converted to DVD later, or perhaps purchase a region -free DVD player and buy the DVDs from the UK. Send me an email at your leisure.

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