Thanks Sander. I have seen those pictures before, but they are both very useful. The drawing on the left shows the 6 gun .303 arrangement in early Beaufighers (note the 60 round cannon ammunition drums - later changed to belt feed). In early Beaufighters, it appears as if there was one chute under each gun to eject both the expended cases and links. In later Beaufighters, although I can't confirm this because I have seen pictures of later Beaufighters with both arrangements, there are two slots under each gun, which I presume are set up so that one slot is for the links and the other for the cases. The Beaufighter Mk X on display at RAF Hendon has the two slots under each .303 gun. If you google this aircraft, you will see the details of the slots quite easily. Many Beaufighter Squadrons removed the guns altogether and installed fuel tanks in place of the guns. The picture on the right is a Mk 21 Beaufighter. The Australians replace the six .303s in the wings with four .5 inch guns - two in each wing. The delails of the slots for the guns is contained in this picture - with a separate slot for the links and the cases for each gun. If someone could shed some light on reason for the difference in the one slot vs the two slots for the .303s in the Beaufighter, I would be really interested in reading it. Thanks.