Tech Sergeant
Moreover, whilst they had a distinct range advantage over the more lightly armed British Destroyers, in the sorts of close in battles that DDs inevitably caught up in, the higher rates of fire, and number of guns per hull, meant that in actual firepower, nearly all the later British DDs were able to deliver higher weights of shell onto the target, than were the 5.9 armed german Zerstorers.
Correct and this put the german DD´s armed with 5.91" at a distinct diadvantage versus british destroyers, esspeccially in the most common conditions of engament.
There is no doubt that Firecontroll of british CL was better but it´s not that the german DD´s lacked any sort of radar. Esspeccially from 43 onwards, german DD´s received numerous active and passive radar sets.and worst of all lacked any sort of comaparable fire control and surface search radar that the British cruisers possessed from a very early point in the war
This explenation with the relationship of weather and forced return is wrong.The best example i can think of is the Battle Of North Cape...whereas the German DDs were forced to turn back to port due to the bad weather, the british DDs wre still present at the battle
The DD´s were detached because they didn´t found the convoi and Bey then send them to another U-boat reported convoi position. The radio signal send by Scharnhorst to the DD´s is pretty clear that weather was not considered a factor.
Kurfürst, the DD´s achieved one hit -with illum rounds. Not directed to hit but it happened as a random event.Hmm, against Bismarck the Tribals failed to score a single hit, on a much larger unmanouvering target...
Engagement distance was mostly 8000 yards.