BF 109 1/8

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Mar 27, 2007
Hi. I'd like to realize a big model of BF 109, scale 1/8 like older Pocher models.
I know is a very difficult project, but I'd like try. I'd like to do it in photo etched metal like brass, with small pieces in resin. I'm a very good designer with postscript programs, so I think should be not a problem to realize the necessary masks, IF I CAN HAVE the necessary plans of BF 109. I'm collecting every thing about the plane, but I have find only some interesting view in poor resolution. Obviously, I have to do the same with the engine DB 60x. And this may be also an indipendent project. For me, a big scale model of DB engine is VERY interesting... and if I also can put it in the plane...
May someone help me with the plans?
PS I'm Italian and I excuse me for my poor english
PPS My father was a pilot of ANR and flight with BF 109, so he told me many stories about it. Was very interesting and now I'd like to realize his plane...
best regards!
Hallo Mr Risso
I got to your thread, via googling "Bf 109 1/8"
I wonder, If you still keep this Idea of building a model of Bf 109 1/8.
If yes, we can join forces. I already have some details (control panel), so I wonder how for you get in your project.
I am hesitating between 1/8 (every detail cen be seen - but its too big) and 1/12.
Also collected a tuns of materials, photos, also of DB 605
Best regards
Jiri, Czech republic

please send me a PM or e-mail.
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