BF-109K-4 aerial victories

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Mar 11, 2024
I have a question, did any BF-109G-10 or K-4 pilot score any P-51D kills in 1945?
and the one kown USAAF P-51D shot down by a BF-109K-4 was 44-72076 near prague-Hostvar (most likely by 12./JG-27)
If that P-51 was shot down 8 miles east of Prague, and returned in 4 days, that would have to be a pretty exciting E&E.
Units of Patton's 3rd Army was about 100 miles west of Prague on the 20th of April.
The locations indicated reflect where the aircraft was last seen, which may be different that where it crashed. Since the pilot survived, it did not go straight down wich might explain that. Besides that people lnew the Americans were close and would be more inclined to help or even be bolder.
North American P-51D-20-NA FT-A shot down by Bf 109K-4 flown by Lt Karl Broo of JG 53/5 8 mi E of Prague,
Czechoslovakia Apr 20, 1945. MACR 14101. Pilot bailed out and returned 4 days later.

Which source states that Broo's victory was at Prague and that he was flying a K-4?
I couldn't find it anywhere so I was just curious where it was from.

Is there a book by Baugher I can buy which includes this information?
i found a P-51D loss to an IJN n1k1 there (june 23), but its confusing since the US reported scanlan was shot down by a zero

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